Work With Me

Committed to weight loss – One-on-one coaching
As a coach I will help you through your weight loss journey one step at a time. You are looking for guidance and knowledge, support and motivation. You may be at a loss as to know where to start and what to do next, frustrated with your own journey and in need of some compassion and understanding.
Weight loss coaching is a holistic lifestyle approach that addresses everything that stands in your way, we go in deep and get to the root of what is going on..
- Are you fed up of the constant diet rollercoaster and yoyo dieting?
- Tried diet and exercise and doesn’t seem to work for you?
- Would you like to live a life where you are not constantly overwhelmed with thoughts about what you should and shouldn’t eat?
- Don’t seem to be able to stick to anything
- Do you get frustrated and feel like you are running in every other direction except forwards?
- Has your self-confidence diminished and feel like you don’t know the real you anymore, perhaps it has affected your self-worth and what you think and feel about yourself?
Together we will discover your ‘WHY’ and what your true desires and goals are in life. We will discover some of your challenges, what has been holding you back, gain clarity and make connections with things you may not have made before.
We will look at your weight loss history to date and why you are at your current weight and what brought you to this stage. We will analyse your current situation with a diet and lifestyle analysis.
We will set clear goals both for the long-term and short term and encourage small promises that enable you to feel motivated and encouraged in your journey. Through your journey we will look to make sustainable long-term healthy changes that can set you up for life. We will work on building a more intuitive way of eating so that you become better connected with your body and its needs.
Nutrition is obviously a key element to weight loss and we will look at including healthier food options, nutrition labels, meal planning and recipes, understanding the macros and micronutrients and daily intakes of food ensuring you are getting enough of the right foods to keep you nourished but also satiated which is key to achieving sustainable weight loss.
When we rely solely on exercise and diet for weight-loss, we forget that our feelings, our minds such as our thoughts and our gut all affect the decisions and actions we take in life. These factors are incredibly important and are dominant factors in why people have not been able to achieve weight loss long-term. Our thoughts affect our behaviour and our behaviour affects our thoughts and the smallest of changes can sometimes be incredibly powerful to our achievements.
This is a holistic approach to weight loss. Cultivating healthy habits can be easier said than done but by understanding how we can change our habits and stack habits we can gradually move closer to our goals. We will look at how as humans we run on autopilot most of the time and how habits have become ingrained into our daily existence and by understanding the cue of a habit or trigger, the behaviour of that habit and the reward to that habit we can change the loop and make changes to better suit us.
We look at hydration, food, nutrition, sleep, exercise, movement, mental health, we will look at creating a more empowering mindset, creating more self-awareness and self-esteem so that you can achieve your goals easier and get rid of limiting beliefs holding you back.
This coaching programme is personalised every step of the way and your journey is like no other, I am committed to you every step of the way.
A 3-month timeline minimum is ideal for this journey.
- 6 weeks package
- Initial consultation 1-2 hours
- 5 x 1 hourly weekly sessions
- Individually tailored
- Unlimited support through whatsapp
- £260
- 3 months
- Initial consultation 1-2 hours
- 11 x 1 hourly weekly sessions
- Individually tailored
- Unlimited support through whatsapp
- £450
- 6 months
- Initial consultation 1-2 hours
- 23 x 1 hourly weekly sessions
- Individually tailored
- Unlimited support through whatsapp
- £900

Binge eating – Compulsive eating - Emotional Eating
Do you feel out of control with food? Do you binge on food? Do you feel like you lack control and don’t actually know what happened whilst you binged? Do you have a compulsion to eat at times you can’t explain?
It is important not to feel alone, binge eating is a common eating disorder. What you need is understanding and compassion. I know it can be difficult to reach out and ask for help and talk about the things you are feeling, but I am here to help you..
True binge eating is when an individual binges on food several times a week consistently over periods of time. Though BED (binge eating disorder) is a specific term and diagnosis, there are many different forms and no one person is the same, you may be the type of person who binges less frequently but still find it a problem in your life and are looking for help. You may be eating emotionally and find this happens too frequently and recognise it as a problem in your life and need to do something about it.
You may be an individual who isn’t overweight but binges and would like the tools to stop the binge episodes, or you may be an individual who binges and is overweight and would like to stop binging and lose the weight…
Feelings of guilt and shame around food can be extremely common, internal punishment and restriction like cutting out the calories can follow these feelings but this can also then lead to more feelings and emotions which trigger another overeating episode.
Are you tired of dieting perhaps? Are you not sure how to eat normally anymore? Are you looking for balance and be able to have a healthier mindset around food? Perhaps you want to stop the voices in your head that you battle with around food and find more peace both in how you think and feel and in what you look like.
Through a holistic approach we can help address the issue and issues surrounding disordered eating. We will look at the cycle of binge eating in your life and the restrictions you may have placed on and around food. We will look to free you from the constant mental battle of food to find inner peace so that you are in control and not the other way around.
We will build more awareness of your hunger cues and get you to be in tune with your body and its true needs. We will find ways that help you navigate the urge to binge so that you gradually become more aware and able to control the urges. We will look to cultivate a more positive body image, a stronger mind and body connection to be able to recognise what is going on, also looking at routines, habits, behaviours, emotions, beliefs about yourself and the world, stress, gradually bringing you into a world of peaceful eating.
Remember no two people are the same and the lines are often blurred, you may not know what kind of disordered eating you have, it is important not to worry about this, this is completely normal, get in touch to find the right path for you.
A 6-month plan minimum is ideal for this journey.

Food addiction/ Sugar addiction
About 20% of the population has a true sugar addiction. Being addicted to something means that willpower is often not enough. You may eat a lot of sugar but are not an addict but have disordered eating perhaps around sugar or other sugary type foods.
If you have a bad sugar habit with support looking at your daily routines/ habits behaviours/ emotions/ beliefs one can gradually overcome the issues around food and bring you into peaceful eating (see binge/ emotional eating section). With sugar addiction it is different, the same neural pathways that light up the brain when ingesting cocaine and alcohol are the same as with sugar and in the 20% of people who have this addictive tendency to sugar their neural pathways are firing high..
Being a true sugar addict is having never ending cravings, life can be extremely challenging as the cravings never stop, you may feel like you are the only one, but you are not alone in this.
Sugar comes in many forms, it is not just the crystal white stuff, it is the simple carbohydrates like flour that also trigger this reward pathway in the brain. Someone who is an addict will need more and more of the ‘sugar’ substance to feel good, the body just like alcohol and drugs builds up a tolerance that needs satisfying. Abstinence for many can be the answer because even the slightest taste can knock someone back into the addiction pathway.
You may hear some say ‘we need sugar for energy’, this is not true and there is nothing in sugar we need to survive, in fact, we can live a far healthier life without any added ‘sugars’ at all, sugar addict or no sugar addict!
Being a sugar addict does not mean you are necessarily overweight, however, the effects of sugar are far from always visual, the internal effects of sugar on the body which are ‘silent’ are what drive inflammation, leading to high LDL, high triglycerides, high blood pressure a fatty-liver, insulin resistance which can lead to more serious diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer etc.
As mentioned, everyone is different, and the lines do blur with eating disorders/ disordered eating/ food and sugar addiction. If you are not sure what is going on for you, it is important not to feel you need to label yourself, or that you are alone in this, you are not alone, there is help, get in touch to discuss further.

Accelerate my health
This is for you if you are looking to improve and transform your overall nutrition and health as an individual and or perhaps for the whole family? It is a kickstart in the right direction to help you feel more confident in your health and choices.
You may have realised that what you are buying and eating and the way that you are cooking no longer serves you. Do you buy food at the supermarket but really have no idea what foods are doing for your health?
Have you been told by the doctor you need to exercise more and eat less calories but left bewildered what that means or how to navigate it, leaving you frustrated and anxious?
Do you struggle to understand if you are providing you/ your family with the necessary macronutrients and micronutrients for the best health money can buy?
Are you confused by advertising and marketing and the latest fad foods? Maybe you are trying to find healthy snacks but are baffled by what to buy. Do you struggle in your mind with what you should or shouldn’t be buying at the supermarket? Do you struggle with food labels and whether low-calorie/ low-fat is better or unsure whether to be looking at the fat/ sugar/ salt content etc?
Perhaps you need guidance on what food REALLY benefits you and your health and your life goals.
Perhaps you are a busy Mum or Dad who knows they need to improve the whole family’s diet but are stuck in a rut and not sure which way to turn to make those necessary changes.
Perhaps you are purchasing the same foods over and over and often reach for convenience foods that are pre-packeted, easy in the moment and know instinctively that they are not providing you with the right nutrients.
Perhaps you are aware of the importance of gut health and its significant impact on health at ALL ages with its effect on brain health, its impact on inflammation and disease within the body, perhaps you are looking to improve your overall gut health as a part of this transition to better health.
I want to take these very common struggles away from you. Together I will show you how to incorporate a nutrient-dense food plan and steer you away from the processed foods that are a driving force behind making you feel hungrier, making you feel irritable, making your skin hair and nails dull and lacklustre, general feelings of being unwell through to metabolic issues and diseases.
I will guide you into the world of whole foods and help you create wholesome delicious meals, I will show you how to navigate the supermarket, understand labels with confidence so that you feel more empowered and doing right by your own body and your family’s.
- 6 weeks package
- Initial consultation 1-2 hours
- 5 x 1 hourly weekly sessions
- Individually tailored
- Unlimited support through whatsapp
- £260
- 3 months
- Initial consultation 1-2 hours
- 11 x 1 hourly weekly sessions
- Individually tailored
- Unlimited support through whatsapp
- £450

Inflammation in the body is a normal process, it helps the body fight illness and protects it from harm. When there is short-term inflammation there is redness/ swelling and pain and is beneficial to help defend the body from infection and injury, but more long-term chronic inflammation within the body can go unnoticed and without any noticeable symptoms.
Chronic inflammation is linked to many conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, kidney issues, depression and anxiety, autoimmune disorders, fatty-liver disease both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, arthritis, heart disease, insulin issues and type 2 diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s for example..
Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle can help relieve inflammation. When an individual is on medication for an inflammatory condition the medications themselves can often cause unwanted side effects adding to issues within the body. However, addressing diet and lifestyle to reduce the inflammation in the body can help both the issue and the eventual need for medication.
Inflammation has been identified and closely associated with our modern-day way of living. Inflammation can be caused by being overweight/obese, diet, smoking, stress, sleep disorders, alcohol etc.. In addition, inflammation can cause obesity, can decrease HDL and increase LDL, increase blood pressure, all of which are precursors to more serious diseases.
To reduce and limit inflammation throughout the body I will assess your food and liquid intake (diet), lifestyle, sleep, stress, physical activity and other lifestyle habits to identify key areas that may be fuelling inflammation within the body. You will be given key foods to consider within the diet and foods to eliminate to help rid the body of inflammation. We can formulate a plan and create new habits to help make the plan work more effectively.
You may not have any signs of inflammation currently but want to incorporate a more anti-inflammatory approach to your lifestyle to help lower and prevent the risk and associated risks.
- 6 weeks package
- Initial consultation 1-2 hours
- 5 x 1 hourly weekly sessions
- Individually tailored
- Unlimited support through whatsapp
- £260

Skin Perfect
We are what we eat and our skin is often a reflection of what we consume. The skin is the largest organ of the body and it is no wonder that what our bodies are exposed to is often demonstrated through the appearance of our skin and when our faces are the first point of focus it can make us feel less than confident when things aren’t as we’d like.
For many, skin issues can be a great cause of concern, leading to embarrassment and frustration.
Acne is significantly spurred on by foods ingested within the diet, specifically sugar and simple carbohydrates, additives in foods and processed packaged goods.
When our skin is breaking out it can be largely due to what we are putting inside our bodies, there can also be external factors at play, but they are not always controllable for most of us. There are no quick fixes with either internal or external tools but by addressing the consumption of foods and liquids and the nutrient density and type we can significantly help the skin improve from the inside out.
By creating healthy routines and habits, we can naturally help the body detoxify and over time the inside will improve which also means the outside will improve. We look at foods grown in nature that we can turn to in order to improve the skin, we address liquids and hydration, we look at creating a healthier microflora both by addition and elimination of foods. We look at sleep and sleep environment, stress etc.
The beauty industry is a booming business, there is always a product that catches our eye that convinces us of the radical transformative results, whilst good quality creams are an added bonus, no amount of cream can outrun a bad/ unhealthy diet.
Spotty, inflamed, dull tired skin can affect any age of person, you may be interested in this for yourself or perhaps a son or daughter or relation who is struggling with their skin, if you are really looking to understand how your diet and lifestyle is affecting you this is the coaching for you.
Sometimes just ‘telling someone’ what they need to do isn’t enough, finding new ways to create habits and lasting change is powerful.. In 6 weeks we can address a large number of factors that are contributing to the condition of your skin and move you towards feeling more confident from the outside in and the inside out!
- 6 weeks package
- Initial consultation 1-2 hours
- 3 sessions over 3 weeks
- Followed by 3 sessions biweekly.
- Individually tailored
- Unlimited support through whatsapp
- £260

Gluten and wheat-free life
Are you looking to eliminate gluten and wheat from your diet? Perhaps you have a gluten sensitivity issue that causes bloating, pain, gas, constipation, diarrhoea and wish to remove all gluten products from the diet for better gestational and systemic health.
Perhaps you have a lot of pain and bloating and want to eliminate gluten for a few weeks to see if gluten is the cause.
It may be you that has the issue with gluten or wheat or it may be a loved one and are finding it difficult to distinguish between foods to adequately eliminate.
There are many reasons why an individual wishes to eliminate wheat and gluten, apart from the illness and disease states associated with wheat and gluten, there are also other factors that have been well documented in the literature for their part in ill-health due to the industrialization of wheat and gluten, from the significant difference in the quality and identity of the grain, especially within the last 100 years, and how it has transformed into an unrecognizable and very processed product. Other proteins in the wheat also create an addictive state through opioid receptors which has caused many to become addicted to wheat products.
Wheat and gluten is used as a main ingredient in bread products in abundance, shop brought bread, bread rolls, croissants, buns, cakes, pizzas, pastas, etc but in lesser amounts and less well-known in products such as sauces, condiments and dressings where they pose as fillers to enhance the product and this can be very frustrating as whilst an individual is making a concerted effort to avoid wheat and gluten, it is hidden in thousands of products.
Gluten is a protein in the grain wheat and hence all wheat products contain gluten. Other grain items that are non-wheat but contain gluten are rye and barley.
Whatever your reason for eliminating wheat and gluten, it is important to note that many manufacturers add key micronutrients to enhance the bread and bread products to give it a greater nutritional appeal to the consumer, therefore for some relying on wheat and gluten products as a key sustenance in their daily diet, it is important that these nutrients are considered so that an individual does not become deficient.
I will do a detailed assessment of your diet and lifestyle and work with you to provide healthy enjoyable swops and alternatives that do not lack the nutrients that going without wheat or gluten may pose to some.

Sugar high
Have you a history of pre-diabetes/ diabetes in your family? Are you suffering from high blood sugar and been told you are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes, not there yet but worried that if you don’t take action it may progress?
Are you on an endless battle to lose weight, doing many diets to try and reduce your blood sugar level seeing you yoyo from one diet to the next? Perhaps being overweight is not an issue, it is just the high blood sugar levels that you cannot manage and don’t know what lifestyle approach to take in order to lower it effectively.
Having high blood sugar levels can cause you to be hungry even when you just ate, crave foods often and have energy slumps. As high blood sugar progresses as insulin stops doing its job or the cells are resistant it can lead to more serious issues like unexplained weight loss, blurred vision, increased thirst, tingling hands and feet, frequent urination which are signs of a more serious diabetic state.
Often with high blood sugar there is a strong lean towards carbohydrates as they are the lower calorie food and for decades understood to be the key to reducing cardiovascular disease risk. Carbohydrates have been a key staple in our Western diet and the most abundant food item in our current food system. Though carbohydrates are necessary there are many different types and there are carbohydrates that can either protect and enhance the body or drive metabolic issues and disease and knowing which is key to sustaining longer-term health is crucial.
I work with you to help you understand the physiological and psychological effects that sugar and simple carbohydrates have both on hormones and brain chemistry and how incorporating more fats which are higher calorie foods (going against the grain of the diet mantra) are a key component and also protein. I believe education is important here as this is what is lacking so widely in our everyday society/ education systems.
After a detailed assessment of your current diet and lifestyle, I will formulate a plan with you. We will look at all aspects of your lifestyle including things like eating out and how to navigate menus, shopping for food, food labels and making healthier food choices and swops.
Every individual is different and therefore each approach will be different, and it is important that the individual feels like the plan can be adopted into their life with ease. You are like no other.

Maintenance session